Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Naga - Works

Friday Tasks – Aug 26 th 2009

S. No

Task Details


Reason For Pending


Collect 50 real estate databases in Chennai and add to the existing sheet.


Collect 120 Automobile database in Chennai (used car dealers, new car dealers, car service stations, car exchanges)


Add Mobile no of real estate and automobiles in way2sms 9841556263 login, get this login from sangthu, and when you use the 9841556263 way2sms tell sangthu not to login in the same login. While adding the mobile no’s follow the standard format , Ex : - if you adding the automobile contacts “Au 0001 “ and type this no “ Au 0001” in that excel sheet corresponding to the contact once you added in way2sms.


Creating Group in Way2SMS: Once you added the Automobile mobile no’s in to w2s, you create the group called Auto - 1 and add the contacts starts with “AU”. And in auto – 1 you assign only 20 contacts and after that create the new group called auto – 2 and assign next 20 contacts, like wise repeat this step for all the contacts, and do the same for real-estate contacts. Real estate will be added as “ RE – 0001 “


Adding the Dealers in CH, Dealers Menus will be added by us tonight, you will be adding the dealers in those segments and then you will maintain the excel on those you have added, In automobile segment add those from the automobile and real-estate you have already taken

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Task - Directory URL Submission

Step - 1

Use the following keyword sets

submit your URL

Free URL submit

Free Directory Submission

Free URl addition

Step - 2

launch the search result URLs in a new tab , and see for the provision to add the Website URL

Normally it will be mentioned as

Add url
Submit URL
Submit Website URL

Click that and Give the Title for the website and

Enter the website URL with http:// adn submit the URL's

Step - 3

Activate the confirmation link in the mail

Note :

Create the excel sheet with the following details and collect the Free directory URL submission links

URL | User name and passwords | Date |

and keep adding the urls and their login details and mention the URL added of not , in the last column

Any doubts ask me ,,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Web Site Optimization - General

Web Site Optimization

Section 2: Image Optimization, Optimize Graphics - Tutorials, Resources, Tools, Books

Want to make your images load faster? Need to speed up your page load times, streamline and optimize your photographs, Web graphics, and images?

Many of us already consider optimizing images for Web use by reducing the file sizes as much as possible without noticeable visual degradation. Another aspect of optimizing images is their actual use, such as combining several icons into one image and using CSS for presentation or using one background image for several purposes, also using CSS positioning. Below are tutorials on various approaches to optimizing Web site images and their use, including tutorials specifically for optimizing images in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, and compressing and optimizing Adobe Flash files.

Within the Graphics Optimization, Optimize Images section below, you'll find helpful resources to articles, tutorials, and tools to show you how to optimize your images to reduce their file sizes without degrading how they appear on your Web sites, along with smart ways to combine images using CSS (CSS image sprites), and compressing and optimizing multimedia files.Your pages can load faster, you'll save bandwidth, reduce file sizes, reduce server space, and much more by optimizing your Web site's performance.

Web Site Optimizing in General

  • 14 Rules for Faster-Loading Web Sites High Performance Web Sites: Essential Knowledge for Front-End Engineers, by Steve Souders. O'Reilly (09-11-2007)
    Tremendous insight and helpful tips throughout this tutorial series - HTTP requests, the Expires header, Gzip, use of and placement of stylesheets and scripts, DNS lookups, optimizing CSS, JavaScript, ETags, AJAX, iframes, and more. Chapter excerpt from the author's book. [Article/tutorial by Steve Souders,]
  • 25 Ways to Speed Up your Website
    Concise checklist with brief explanations for each. Covers a lot on optimizing images, optimizing code (HTML, CSS, using external CSS and JavaScript), removing unnecessary whitespace, DOCTYPE, reducing HTTP requests, minimizing use of https (secure server), GZIP compression, minimizing use and size of cookies, speeding up your site, improving server performance, such as upgrading memory, hardware and software, separating content and databases, and more. [Article/tutorial dated 12/04/2007, by Justin, Palmer Web Marketing.]
  • Cost-Effective Website Acceleration
    3-part series that covers: Client-side code optimization, Optimal cache control, Server-side modifications. [Article/tutorial dated 03/10/2004, by Thomas Powell, Joe Lima, for]
  • Ten Ways to Speed up the Download Time of your Web Pages
    Covers using CSS for layouts, CSS instead of images wherever possible, using contextual selectors, using CSS shorthand, minimizing whitespace, using relative URLs, removing unnecessary meta tags, using external CSS and external JavaScript, remembering the ending slash in your URLs where applicable, and more. [Article/tutorial dated 11/2004, by Trenton Moss, for WebCredible.]
  • Web Site Optimization: 13 Simple Steps
    4-part series that covers: basic optimization rules, optimizing assets (images, scripts, and styles), optimizations specific to scripts, optimizations specific to styles. From their description: “This tutorial takes a practical, example-based approach to implementing those rules. It's targeted towards web developers with a small budget, who are most likely using shared hosting, and working under the various restrictions that come with such a setup. Shared hosts make it harder to play with Apache configuration — sometimes it's even impossible — so we'll take a look at what you can do, given certain common restrictions, and assuming your host runs PHP and Apache.” [Article/tutorial dated 10/24/2007, by Stoyan Stefanov, for]

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Optimize CSS, CSS Optimization Techniques

See also Optimization Tools below for helpful tools that automate optimization. In addition, CSS shorthand is an important part of CSS optimization. See's CSS Tutorials CSS Shorthand section.

  • Applied CSS Management and Optimization
    Dynamic CSS, cache properly, hack management, removing line-breaks and whitespace, splitting up your style sheets, suturing your stylesheets, more. [Article/tutorial dated 02/17/2005, by Mike Papageorge,]
  • CSS + PHP: Organized and Optimized?
    [Article/tutorial dated 08/31/2004, by Mike Papageorge,]
  • CSS Optimization, Compression: Crunch Your CSS with PHP
    Compress your CSS with GZIP and remove extraneous whitespace dynamically - carriage returns, extra spaces, extra lines, and comments. In addition to automatically compressing your CSS files, now you can work in your CSS file formatted as you wish and let the server dynamically remove the excess to load much faster for your visitors. Uses PHP. [Article/tutorial dated 01/26/2008, by Shirley Kaiser, for Web Site Optimization Tutorials, Tips, Code Examples,]
  • The Definitive Post on Gzipping your CSS Fabulous explanation here, step-by-step tutorial with PHP code included. He describes two different approaches to accomplishing this. “CSS files for larger sites can become pretty large themselves. Gzipping or compressing these files has shown to provide a reduction in the neighborhood of 70-80% of the original file size, a fairly significant 'weight loss'.” Editor note: this is the same author as the above 'PHP Manual Comments...' - this tutorial explains all the details and provides links to further resources, too. See my adaption, CSS Optimization, Compression: Crunch Your CSS with PHP.
    [Article/tutorial dated 03/30/2007, by Mike Papageorge,]
  • PHP Manual Comments re ob_start: CSS - Strip Whitespace with PHP
    Commenter via provides PHP function script to remove extraneous white space and carriage returns from CSS. Works beautifully. Editor note: I've implemented this script for and tweaked it a bit specifically for this site's CSS. Really helps. This allows the best of both worlds, too - you can leave your carriage returns and extra spaces to work on your CSS file, and the server will automatically remove them server-side to help save bandwidth and speed up the load time. [Article/tutorial dated 11/10/2006, by Mike Papageorge,, via PHP Manual.]

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Optimize HTML / XHTML

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Optimize JavaScript

  • Cruncher Class
    PHP script to optimize JavaScript, ActionScript, ECMAScript. Can be adapted for CSS, as well as other programming languages “Compact source code removing comments and spaces.” [PHP script, by Andrea Giammarchi, for PHP Classes Repository.]
  • Serving JavaScript FastBuilding Scalable Web Sites: Building, scaling, optimizing next generation web applications. by Cal Henderson. O'Reilly (05-2006).
    Detailed, thorough, step-by-step tutorial on server-side optimizing for Web 2.0 applications, including their content and interaction - JavaScript, CSS, images, and more. Uses Apache, PHP, Smarty. How to make sure you “optimize the size and nature of content required to render the page, making sure” you deliver the optimum experience by making content as small and fast as possible while also avoiding “unnecessarily refetching unmodified resources.” Very well done tutorial. Be sure to check out the comments at the end of the tutorial, too, as there's plenty of Q&A, discussion, alternative ideas discussed, and more. [Article/tutorial dated 05/21/2006, by Cal Henderson, for Vitamin.]

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Server-side Optimizing for Web Sites: Techniques / Tutorials, Documentation, and Research

Server-side caching, GZIP compression, reducing HTTP requests, official documentation, and more...

General Server-side Optimization Tutorials

  • Tuning LAMP systems, Part 2: Optimizing Apache and PHP
    First, the tutorial covers tuning Apache: Configuring the MPM (Multi-Processing Modules); Using options and overrides efficiently; Persistent connections; Compression. Then the tutorial covers tuning PHP: Opcode caching with Zend opcode and eAccelerator; php.ini configuration (“Four important settings control how much system resources PHP can consume...”). The article summary: “This article focused on tuning the Web server, both Apache and PHP. With Apache, the general idea is to eliminate extra checks the Web server must do, such as processing the .htaccess file. You must also tune the Multi-Processing Module you're using to balance the system resources used with the availability of idle workers for incoming requests. The best thing you can do for PHP is to install an opcode cache. Keeping your eye on a few resource settings also ensures that scripts don't hog resources and make the system slow for everyone else.” [Article/tutorial dated 04/30/2007, by Sean A. Walberg, Senior Network Engineer, IBM, for IBM developerWorks.]
  • Website Performance Tweaks, Part Two
    Article/tutorial/discussion about the latest on tweaking Websites for optimum performance, with lots of helpful links and a numbered checklist with brief explanations and related links. See also the previous article Website Performance Tweaks. [Article/tutorial dated 06/24/2007, by Martin Kliehm, Learning the World.]

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Server-side Caching Documentation, Tutorials, and Research

Official Documentation, Specifications for Server-side Caching

Official documentation from Apache, W3C on server-side caching and HTTP protocol. See examples of HTTP caching implementation via Research and Tutorials on Server-side Caching below.

Server-side Caching Tutorials and Research of Approaches / Techniques

  • AOL Caching Info
    Whether or not you need caching information specifically for AOL, this is a simple tutorial that explains things quite well. Covers Setting Caching Parameters with HTTP headers, Caching Examples using the Cache Formula. Explains all of it, unlike other caching tutorials out there. [Article/tutorial dated 08/24/2005, by AOL Webmaster Info.]
  • Cache it! Solve PHP Performance Problems The PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks (Anthology). Ben Balbo, Harry Fuecks, Davey Shafik, et al. SitePoint, 2nd ed. (10-23-2007)
    PHP solutions for caching. Goes into quite a bit of detail about caching with HTTP headers, solutions for IE, output buffering, template caching, PEAR Cache_Lite. Also includes sample PHP code, links to other resources. [Article/tutorial dated 11/07/2007, by Ben Balbo, for SitePoint.]
  • Cache-Control Headers using Apache and .htaccess - Easy Apache Speed Tips
    Simple instructions and helpful explanations, along with screenshots to show how to add cache-control, cache-control headers (server-side) for Apache using httpd.conf or .htaccess. [Article/tutorial dated 09/10/2007, by askApache.]
  • Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
    Fantastic tutorial that goes into quite a bit of detail about caches - Web caches (browser caches, proxy caches), the reality about caches, how Web caches work, how and how not to control caches (HTML meta tags vs HTTP headers, Pragma HTTP headers, Expires HTTP header, cache-control HTTP headers, validators and validation), tips for building a cache-aware site, writing cache-aware scripts, FAQ, implementation notes for Web servers and SSI, and references and further information. Recommended as a must-read tutorial.[Article/tutorial dated 03/17/2007, by Mark Nottingham,]
  • How To Optimize Your Site With HTTP Caching
    Fabulous graphic illustrations here in this well-done tutorial on optimizing your site with HTTP caching. Topics explain what caching is and how it works, HTTP request and response. Also explained are various methods of HTTP caching - Last-Modified, Etag, Expires, Max-Age, Public and Private, enabling caching, and ways to check that your implementation is working as intended. [Article/tutorial dated 04/07/2007, by Kalid Azad,]
  • Performance Research, Part 2: Browser Cache Usage - Exposed!
    Part 2 in a series of experiments by Yahoo! to learn more about optimizing Web page performance. Explains why the browser cache matters. Also shows page load times for full cache vs. new visitor (no cache). Research also showed percentage of users with full caches, empty caches - much to their surprise, “40-60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and ~20% of all page views are done with an empty cache.” This research showed them the importance of considering the prevalence of visitors with empty caches with your own sites and optimization considerations. [Article/tutorial dated 01/04/2007, by Tenni Theurer, for Yahoo! User Interface Blog.]

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Server-side Compression Tutorials / Techniques

GZIP compression, Apache file compression, etc.

  • How To Optimize Your Site With GZIP Compression
    Explains how browsers and servers 'talk' to each other, how compressing works and how it helps users and bandwidth, how to configure your server for GZIP compression with httpd.conf, .htaccess, or using PHP. Also shows how to verify that your compression is working using several free tools. [Article/tutorial dated 04/04/2007, by Kalid Azad,]
  • Speed up a Web Site by Enabling Apache File Compression
    Excellent, thorough tutorial that covers: How to enable file compression, Enable file compression using mod_gzip, Enable file compression using mod_deflate, What does it do?, How well does it work?, When doesn't it work?, What else could be used?, Conclusions, Further reading. [Article/tutorial dated 03/01/2007, by Dr. David R. Nadeau, Nadeau Software Consulting.]

Techniques, Research on Reducing Server-side HTTP Requests

See also above, Optimize Images with CSS Sprites, a technique that combines several images into one image and uses CSS for presentation.

  • Performance Research, Part 1: What the 80/20 Rule Tells Us about Reducing HTTP Requests
    Part 1 of a 4-part series on research findings by Yahoo! “to learn more about optimizing Web page performance.” The findings from part 1: “Reducing the number of HTTP requests has the biggest impact on reducing response time and is often the easiest performance improvement to make.” [Article/tutorial dated 11/28/2006, by Tenni Theurer, for Yahoo! User Interface Blog.]
  • Reducing HTTP Requests
    Explains HTTP requests, data packets, and packet size. Also discusses several ways to reduce HTTP requests, such as suturing external JavaScript files, suturing CSS files, suturing images, recycling background images, and more. [Article/tutorial dated 05/30/2006, by Mike Papageorge,]

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Web Sites, Web Site Sections Devoted to Web Site Optimization

  • Exceptional Performance
    Section at Yahoo! Developer Network that includes helpful tutorials, videos, research papers, and more on optimizing Web sites. Most by Steve Souders. Fabulous resource. From the site: “Yahoo!'s Exceptional Performance team evangelizes best practices for improving web performance. They conduct research, build tools, write articles and blogs, and speak at conferences. Their best practices center around the rules for high performance web sites.” [Web site section part of Yahoo! Developer Network.]
  • Web Site Optimization's section devoted to site optimization. Tutorials on many aspects of optimization - image optimization, optimizing CSS, optimizing HTML, reducing whitespace, removing comments, converting images to CSS where possible, using external JavaScript and CSS, much more. [Web site section part of Web Design/HTML, by Jennifer Kyrnin, Guide to Web Design/HTML.]
  • Website Optimization
    An entire site devoted to optimizing websites. Lots of helpful articles and tutorials on handling just about every aspect of website optimization. [Web site: Website Optimization, by Andy King.]

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Web Site Optimization Tools

Combined Optimization Tools

Helpful tools that optimize two or more combined, such as CSS and HTML, or CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

  • PHP Speedy
    A convenient, easy approach to optimizing your Web site for speed by installing a script on your server. In a nutshell, “PHP Speedy is a script that you can install on your web server to automatically speed up the download time of your web pages.” PHP Speedy will automatically compress your HTML, CSS, JavaScript - server-side by installing the script on your Web server. This script automatically does all of the following:
    • Make fewer HTTP requests
    • Add a far-future expires header
    • Gzip your page's components
    • Minify your JavaScript, CSS and HTML
    For more details on PHP Speedy, see also the creator's post: Improve Website Load Time by 500% with 3 Lines of Code. [Server-side PHP Script by Leon Chevalier,]
  • PHP Speedy WordPress PLugin - Preview Release
    [Server-side PHP Script dated 03/07/2008, by Leon Chevalier,]

CSS Optimization Tools

The tools listed below are either standalone tools or plugins. Note that many CSS and HTML software programs include CSS optimization options within them, including Newsgator TopStyle CSS, HTML, XHTML Editor and others.

  • CSS Formatter and Optimiser
    Free online tool by the creator of csstidy and based on csstidy 1.3dev. English, Deutsch, French, Chinese. [Optimizer Tool, by Florian Schmitz, floele.flyspray.]
  • CSS Tweak
    Upload or copy/paste your CSS with this free online CSS optimizer tool. “One major difference from other tools however, is that you can stop it from altering your syntactical layout. Instead it will go through and stick with the code layout structure you have defined, and clean up any areas that are incorrectly formatted. Some other tools tend to reformat your CSS, and move things around.” [CSS Tool by Andy Peatling, Blaze New Media.]

HTML Optimization Tools

The tools listed below are either standalone tools or plugins. Note that many HTML software programs include HTML optimization options within them, including Newsgator TopStyle CSS, HTML, XHTML Editor, Macromedia HomeSite, and others.

  • HTML Tidy
    Created originally by Dave Raggett and now continues with a team of developers. HTML Tidy has optimization options, in addition to cleaning your HTML. HTML Tidy is already included in many HTML editors, CSS editors. Free. [HTML tool via HTML Tidy Library Project.]
  • HTML-Optimizer, HTML-Optimizer Pro, Web Site Maestro
    Optimize HTML with HTML-optimizer, and optimize scripting, images, and more with HTML-Optimizer Pro and Web Site Maestro. Available for Mac and Windows. [Web site optimization tools by Tonbrand Software.]

Web Site Images Optimization Tools

The tools listed below are either standalone tools or plugins. Note that many graphics software programs include image optimization within them, including Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, and others.

See also Section 2: Image Optimization.

  • GIFBot
    Online tool that compresses GIF, JPEG, and animated GIF images. Free trial, use by subscription. [Image Optimization tool by NetMechanic.]
  • ReaCompressor
    “This utility provides you with an ability to choose from the most effective compression formats for your image: JPEG, GIF or PNG. By showing an image in your own settings and desired quality it helps you better optimize an image and make the right decision on its format, quality and size. Your original graphic file can be in any format.” Software for Windows. Pricing January 2008: Personal:$24.95, Business: $49.95, Site (Company): $99.95. [Image Optimization tool by ReaSoft Development.]

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Recommended Books on Web Site Optimization

  • High Performance Web Sites: Essential Knowledge for Front-End Engineers
     High Performance Web Sites: Essential Knowledge for Front-End Engineers, by Steve Souders. O'Reilly (09-11-2007) By Steve Souders. Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. (September 11, 2007). From the book's description:

    Want your web site to display more quickly? This book presents 14 specific rules that will cut 25% to 50% off response time when users request a page. Author Steve Souders, in his job as Chief Performance Yahoo!, collected these best practices while optimizing some of the most-visited pages on the Web. Even sites that had already been highly optimized, such as Yahoo! Search and the Yahoo! Front Page, were able to benefit from these surprisingly simple performance guidelines.

    The rules in High Performance Web Sites explain how you can optimize the performance of the Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and images that you've already built into your site — adjustments that are critical for any rich web application. Other sources of information pay a lot of attention to tuning web servers, databases, and hardware, but the bulk of display time is taken up on the browser side and by the communication between server and browser. High Performance Web Sites covers every aspect of that process.

    Each performance rule is supported by specific examples, and code snippets are available on the book's companion web site.

    Author's website:

  • Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets
    Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets. By Andrew B. King. O'Reilly (07-08-2008) By Andrew B. King. Published by O'Reilly (July 8, 2008). Andy King's book is an absolute must have book for anyone creating or maintaining Web sites. He provides valuable information, examples, and great insight on how to optimize Web sites - for speed, search engine visibility, improved conversion rates, helpful metrics and tools, and more. Even if you think you've done a lot of optimizing already, you'll always find more possibilities within Andy's fantastic book. Highly recommended. From the author:

    This new book, Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets, offers a comprehensive set of techniques with which to improve your site's performance: boosting search engine visibility for more traffic, increasing conversion rates to maximize leads and profits, revving up site speed to retain users, and measuring your site's effectiveness (before and after these changes) with best-practice metrics and tools.

    Author's site:

Tips to optimize Web Pages

To get high search rankings, you must optimize your web site to have quality content that is useful to your visitors. Let's look at the specific things you can do to optimize your web pages for high search rankings (thanks to Jill at for many of these suggestions).
bulletFirst, the most important rule: web pages that have good content for your visitors will likely have high rankings from the search engines. This is critical for good rankings (and to good page design).

bulletDivide your site into categories that are natural and appropriate for the theme of your site. This will help both your visitors and the search engines find the information they are seeking.

bulletHave each web page contain unique information. That is, each page makes its own contribution to the site.

bulletChoose a navigation scheme that is logical and natural, one that your visitors and the search engines can easily follow.

bulletChoose 3 or 4 keywords or phrases that are appropriate for each web page. Because each page is unique, these keywords will be unique with their pages. Write text or copy for each page that gives important, significant, and useful information about the topic (don't just write fluff that doesn't say much). Place your keywords and phrases in a few appropriate places in the text such that the keywords contribute to the value of the text (don't over do this; putting your keywords in too many places may get you penalized by the search engines).

Use variations of the keywords and phrases in a way that is natural for the topic and that contributes to the content of the page. This is important because most search engines extract keywords from the page text for indexing. Put the keywords in the XHTML element and in alternate text attributes for graphics.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">When you add keywords and phrases to the text, be sure that they are appropriate to the theme and content of the page. Do not stuff keywords and phrases into the page that don't relate to the theme of the page, and do not repeat the keywords and phrases a lot of times. <br /> <br /><!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></p></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">Add a description meta tag to each page that briefly (200 characters or less) describes the page. Because each page is unique, these descriptions will be unique with each page. These descriptions may be used by search rankings to describe your links, so write them to entice people to click on your links. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">Add a keyword meta tag to each page that contains the 3 or 4 keywords that are special to the page. Since most search engines currently use page text for locating keywords, use the meta tag to give synonyms and common misspellings of the keywords. <br /> <br /><!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">Keep the most important pages within the first two sub-levels of your site. Search engines may give higher rankings to web pages that are easy for persons (and spiders) to access, i.e. access with just one or two clicks. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">To cover pages that are more than two sub-levels down in your site hierarchy, have a site map that links to every page in the site. Be sure the site map is linked from the home page. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">If your site has dynamic pages (pages that are generated dynamically by your server when visitors click on links), have static links to each dynamic page. Search engines don't rank dynamic pages very well. Having static links to those pages helps. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">If you redesign your site, such that page URLs change, have a custom 404-error page that points your visitors back to your home page (or another appropriate page). You will need cooperation from your server webmaster in doing this. Besides pointing your visitors to appropriate pages in your site, your custom error page can contain general information about your site to entice your visitors to continue surfing your site. Some designers use a site map as the error page. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">Using Flash is ok if you use it like a graphic, i.e. small areas to enhance your pages in appropriate ways. Pages that are nothing but flash will get low rankings since those pages have no (or little) text for the search engines to analyze. <br /> <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--><tr><td valign="baseline" width="42"><img src="" alt="bullet" width="20" height="20" hspace="11" /></td><td valign="top" width="100%"><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;">In summary, optimize your site by having excellent content in the web pages. Focus each page on particular keywords, keywords that are unique to each page and are meaningful to your visitors. <br /> <!--mstheme--></span><!--msthemelist--></td></tr><!--msthemelist--></tbody></table><!--mstheme--><span style="font-family:times new roman, Times New Roman, Times;"><img src="" alt="" width="25" height="1" />The <a href="">Links</a> page of this site has links to articles on web page optimization. One free email newsletter on optimization that I like is <span style="color:#00007f;"><a target="_blank" href=""></a> <br /> <br />Source : - <br /></span></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'></span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2009-08-16T23:18:00-07:00'>11:18 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 comment: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-272772402'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Tips to optimize Web Pages</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='mainlogo.gif' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='113955605873239567' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='1365439978990545580' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='1365439978990545580'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Web Site Optimization - Introduction</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-1365439978990545580' itemprop='description articleBody'> <h1 align="center"><span><span><span style="color:Navy;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;">Web Site Optimization</span></span></span></span></h1><span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">Web site optimization is the process of specifically designing your web pages to rank high in the Search Engines. If you're serious about your business, optimizing your web pages is a must. <br /> <br /> Although many Search Engines are no longer using Meta tags to assist them in ranking a web page, some still do, and it's worth the effort to include them. <br /> <br /></span></span><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">When designing your web page, you must specifically design it to rank high in the Search Engines. This involves much more than just including META tags. Your Keywords, Title, Image Alt text, Text and overall design, all play an important role in determining how your website will rank. <br /> <br /> If your site doesn't rank in the top 10 or 20 results when doing a keyword search at the Search Engines, your target audience won't be able to find you. <br /> <br /> A significant amount of website traffic originates from the major Search Engines. Most Internet users will go to a Search Engine, type in a keyword phrase and look through the top 10 - 20 results. Most of the time, they'll find what they're looking for in the first 10 results. The percentage of click throughs is even smaller. Listing near the top and grabbing the attention of your target audience is the top priority. <br /> <br /> There are many components of your web page that you should pay close attention to when preparing it for listing in a Search Engine. <br /> <br /> The first step towards improving your listing is selecting keyword phrases that best reflect your web page. <br /> <br /> <b> Keywords and Keyword Phrases</b></span></span> </p><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">A <i>keyword</i> is a word that best describes your web page. For example, if your web page is focusing on dogs, your best keyword will be "dogs." <br /> <br /> A <i>keyword phrase</i> is two or more words that best describe your web page. If your web page is focusing on grooming a dog, then your best keyword phrase will be "dog grooming." <br /> <br /> When preparing your web pages, you should concentrate on just a couple of keyword phrases (for each page) used in different variations. Avoid using general one-word keywords, as you definitely won't rank high in the Search Engines. For example, if your website focuses on "dog grooming" you wouldn't want to use the word "dog" as one of your keywords. Why? Because it's too general. Instead, you may want to use a keyword phrase such as "dog grooming tips" or "how to groom dogs". <br /> <br /> You have to put yourself in your potential visitors' shoes and imagine what words they will type into a Search Engine to find your site. <br /> <br /> Selecting the BEST keyword phrases is the MOST important step towards optimizing your pages for the Search Engines. <br /> <br /> Another great way to use keyword phrases is to use very unique words. For example, if you're selling computers, instead of using the word <i>computers</i> as a Keyword, use the specific brand name or model of the computer. This will drive highly targeted visitors to your website. <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank">Overture</a> provides a wonderful tool that will enable you to type in a keyword, click on a button and receive a complete list of similar keyword phrases you can use. <br /> <br /> If you would like to view some live searches to help you determine what keywords Internet users are searching for, visit any of the following sites: <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank">Excite Search Voyeur</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank">Ask Jeeves</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank"> Snoop</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank">Wordtracker</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="blank">MetaSpy</a> (<span style="color:Red;"><b>Caution</b></span> - there are two live search options to choose from. One is <i>filtered</i> and the other one is not. The <i>unfiltered </i>searches may be offensive to some users. If this is the case, make sure you only view the <i>filtered</i> searches). <br /> <br /> <b><meta> Tags</b></span></span> </p><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">META tags are HTML code that is placed between the <head> and </head> tags and instruct the browser. <br /> <br /> The META <i>description</i> tag will contain a description of your site. This description will be visible in some of the Search Engines when your site is returned in a search. <br /> <br /> Your description should focus on your site's main topic and not generalize. Make sure you include your most important <i>keywords</i> towards the beginning of your description. In addition, make sure your description describes your page in detail. You want your potential visitors to know exactly what you're offering. Your description should be less than 200 characters, including spaces. <br /> <br /> Example: <br /> <br /> </span></span> <table width="100%" align="center" border="1" border cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="color:#4284d6;"> <tbody><tr> <td bg style="color:#eae8e8;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Dog grooming tips from top professional dog groomers"></span></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">The META Keywords tag will contain a listing of your <i>keywords</i> and <i>keyword phrases</i> that are relevant to your page and enable a Search Engine to find you. The most effective use of <i>keywords</i> is to concentrate on just a few <i>Keyword phrases</i>. <br /> <br /></span></span><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">Example: <br /> <br /> </span></span> <table width="100%" align="center" border="1" border cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="color:#4284d6;"> <tbody><tr> <td bg style="color:#eae8e8;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><meta name="KEYWORDS" content="dog grooming, dog grooming tips, dog groomers, pet care, animal groomers"></span></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;">You can find a variety of tools to assist you in creating an effective list of keywords at <a href="" target="blank">JimTools</a>. <br /> <br /> You can also download a great little freeware program called, <a href="" target="blank">GoodKeywords</a>. This program will assist you in developing a list of targeted keywords for your website. In addition, it also includes a site popularity tool that enables you to check your site's popularity. </span></span> </p><p> <table width="100%" align="center" border="1" border cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="color:#4284d6;"> <tbody><tr> <td bg style="color:#eae8e8;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b>Note:</b></span><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helevetica;font-size:85%;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><i>A word of caution...only use keywords and phrases that are appropriate for your web page. Just because a certain keyword is very popular, doesn't mean you should include it within your META tags. This is considered to be SPAM and could get your pages banned from the Search Engines.</i></span></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p><p align="left"> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b><img> Tags</b> <br /> <br /> An image Alt tag follows your graphic address or url in your HTML code. These words will be displayed in place of your graphics through an older browser or when your visitors have their graphics turned off. To fully optimize your graphics, insert a readable keyword phrase within the <i>Alt </i>tags of your graphics. <br /> <br /> Example: <br /> <br /> </span></span> <table width="100%" align="center" border="1" border cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="color:#4284d6;"> <tbody><tr> <td bg style="color:#eae8e8;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><img height="60" src="mainlogo.gif" width="300" />ALT</b>="dog grooming tips" BORDER="0"></span></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p><p> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b><title> Tag</b> <br /> <br /> Your Title should contain your most important keyword phrase. <br /> <br /> Place your "most" important keyword phrase first. Not just your most important phrase, but the keyword phrase that you think people will use when they do a search. <br /> <br /> Instead of capitalizing the first letter, type it in lowercase, as most people type in all lowercase letters when searching. This will assist you in ranking higher in the Search Engines for your targeted audience. <br /> <br /> Effective <i>Title</i> tags include only relevant <i>keyword</i> or <i>keyword phrases</i>. Avoid non-indexing filler words, such as a, an, the, welcome and home page. <br /> <br /> <b> Heading</b> <br /> <br /> <i>Heading</i> tags are used to separate topics and range from <h1> being very large and bold to <h6> which is very small and bold. <br /> <br /> Your page heading should contain your most important <i>keyword phrase</i> to assist you in ranking higher in the Search Engines. Not all Search Engines place relevance on <i>heading</i> tags. However, many do and it is well worth the effort. <br /> <br /> <b> Text</b> <br /> <br /> Optimizing your text is another important step in ranking higher in the Search Engines. Your web page should contain plenty of text and should contain each of your <i>keywords</i> and <i>keyword phrases</i> used in different variations. If all of your <i>keywords</i> and <i>keyword phrases</i> you've listed within your META tags aren't found within your text, the Search Engines will simply ignore them. <br /> <br /> Your <i>keywords</i> and <i>keyword phrases</i> should appear within your text at least three times, but not more than seven. <br /> <br /> <b> Tables</b> <br /> <br /> If you'd like to set up your web page using <i>tables</i>, try to place your <i>Heading </i>text above your <i>Table</i> code. If this isn't possible, make sure you include your <i>keyword phrases</i> within your top left <i>Table cell </i>to assist you in ranking higher in the Search Engines.</span></span> </p><p> <table width="100%" align="center" border="1" border cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="color:#4284d6;"> <tbody><tr> <td bg style="color:#eae8e8;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b>Note:</b></span><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helevetica;font-size:85%;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><i>Always place your most important information above the fold of your web page. This is the top portion of your web page that is visible when your page is first loaded, without scrolling. This is the most important part of your entire page -- use it wisely.</i></span></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p><p align="left"> <span name="KonaBody"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b>Basic Search Engine Guidelines</b> <br /> <br /> Each Search Engine is different and has different guidelines in regard to how they rank a web page. In addition, their guidelines change very frequently and it is literally impossible to keep up with them. Your best option is to optimize your website to the best of your ability, submit your pages to the Search Engines and forget it. (Resubmit your main pages any time you make any significant changes.) Your time can be better spent using other marketing techniques other than fighting the Search Engine wars. <br /> <br /> Here are some basic guidelines to assist you in optimizing your pages: <br /> <br /> <b>Title</b> <br /> <br /> Your Title should have a word count of between five and six with a keyword frequency of one and a keyword prominence of at least 60%. <br /> <br /> A Keyword that appears at the beginning of a specific area will have a prominence rating of 100%. <br /> <br /> A Keyword that appears in the middle of a specific area will have a prominence rating of 50%. <br /> <br /> A Keyword that appears at the end of a specified area will have a prominence rating of 0%. <br /> <br /> Keyword prominence plays a critical role in determining your site's ranking, not only in the Search Engines, but also in prominent directories such as Yahoo. <br /> <br /> <b>Alt</b> <br /> <br /> Your Alt tags should contain a word count of about one to thirty five and have a keyword frequency of one to two. <br /> <br /> <b>Hyperlinks</b> <br /> <br /> Your hyperlinks should contain a keyword frequency of between one and eight. <br /> <br /> <b>Body Text</b> <br /> <br /> Your body text should contain a keyword frequency of between one and six, a word count between three and four hundred and a keyword prominence of about 50%. <br /> <br /> Your web page should contain a total frequency of between five and twenty. <br /> <br /> Take your time and optimize each of your web pages to the best of your ability. When you're satisfied with your pages, manually submit them to the major Search Engines and directories. If you would like to automatically submit your pages to a large variety of Search Engines and Directories, visit <a href="" target="blank"></a>.</span></span> </p><p align="left"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2"> <tbody><tr> <td><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-8805985990345636"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_format = "336x280_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_url = "999999"; google_color_text = "000000"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><script>google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);</script> <br /></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"><b>Additional Tutorials:</b> <br /> <span style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;font-size:85%;"> <br /> </span></span><img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Creating an Ebook</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Work at Home Opportunities</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Internet Marketing Strategies</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Internet Marketing Tools</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Developing an Internet Business</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="" target="blank">Developing a Professional Web Site</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Free Content</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Webpage Optimization</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Hosting Your Site</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Promotion</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Internet Marketing</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Building Your Site</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Listing Your Site</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Internet Advertising</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Developing Traffic</a> <br /> <img src="" width="15" align="middle" height="12" /> <a href="">Web Development Strategies</a></p><p> <br /></p><p><a href="">Source : -</a></p><p> <br /></p><p><a href="">----------------------------------------------------------</a></p><p><a href=""> <br /></a></p> <br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'></span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2009-08-16T23:14:00-07:00'>11:14 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-272772402'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Web Site Optimization - Introduction</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager'> <a class='home-link' href=''>Home</a> </div> <div class='clear'></div> <div class='blog-feeds'> <div class='feed-links'> Subscribe to: <a class='feed-link' href='' target='_blank' type='application/atom+xml'>Posts (Atom)</a> </div> </div> </div></div> <div id='footer-wrapper'> <div class='footer no-items section' id='footer'></div> </div> </div></div> <div id='main-bot'></div> <!-- placeholder for image --> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript'> window['__wavt'] = 'AOuZoY4n-4aBEDtnvsfsFwSAGVQ6PlW5Cw:1716155512165';_WidgetManager._Init('//\x3d113955605873239567','//','113955605873239567'); 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